REVIEW: Frey by Melissa Wright

Title: Frey
Author: Melissa Wright
Date Published: 10/06/11

Unaware she's been bound from using magic, Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she's sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark starts a fury of changes and she finds hersef running from everything she's ever known. 

Hunted by council for practicing dark magic, she is certain she's been wrongfully accused. She flees, and is forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she begins to suspect all is not as it seems.

My Rating:

My Review:
I loved the fact that in the beginning of this story Frey is equal parts independent/headstrong and just completely lost in the fact that she has little to know real knowledge of who she is. 

At times I wanted more from Chevelle as a character, but the Romance that develops between him and Frey is beautifully written. It was by far my favorite part of the story. Yea, yea, I'm a sucker for a good Romance! 

This story had an abundant amount of twists that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. I feel like this was a great first in the series and will have readers wanting to read more! 

Melissa Writght was nice enough to offer a Giveaway to my readers.

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