Blog Tour: Dark Waters by Nick Haskins #blogtour #giveaway #fiction #urbanfiction #rabtbooktours #interview @RABTBookTours @iamnickhaskins

African American Urban Fiction

Date Published: 06-06-2023

Publisher: Kcin Entertainment Group

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The Waters’ are a strong, prominent black family in Philadelphia with access to the good life. Money, power, and lack of respect flow through the tight-knit family as destruction threatens to rock the foundation they are all trying to keep together.

Judge Waters and his wife, Lillian, work overtime to save their marriage, but when hatred and bitterness take over, all bets are off. Once the fighting starts, their children Keenan Jr., Naomi, and Saint go off into the world, wearing their parent’s drama as a coat of arms. They then lie, cheat, and steal, causing havoc in the lives they come across, just like their mother and father taught them to do.

Ultimately, damaging secrets and decade-old lies will all come crashing down around them. When death comes knocking, The Waters Family and their shattered fate hang in the balance, wondering what’s coming next . . .


Is There a Message in Your Novel That You Want Readers to Grasp?


One of the main messages in Dark Waters is money, power, status, where you come from, or what you have doesn’t guarantee a perfect life. The Waters family has the best of everything, with the worse outcomes. 




Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?


I would have to say staying focused and staying on course. I sometimes want to jump ahead instead of walking the journey I’m supposed to be on. It’s challenging because I wish I could touch so many more readers, but I’m incredibly grateful for the ones I reach daily so that balances it all out.




How many books have you written and which is your favorite?


I’ve written five books so far. I don’t have a favorite, but She’s Obsessed is my favorite to read back.




If You had the chance to cast your main character from Hollywood today, who would you pick and why?


I would cast Lauren London as the main character, Leah, in She’s Obsessed. Lauren was one of my main muses while I was creating that character.




When did you begin writing?

I started writing out my first book when I was around seventeen. However, I stopped for many years but returned to writing when I was around thirty in 2008.




How long did it take to complete your first book?


Nine months. I had most of the concepts from earlier writings, so I took what I had, wrote around it, and combined the two.



Did you have an author who inspired you to become a writer?


All the greats inspire me, including James Patterson, Mary B. Morrison, Eric Jerome Dickey, my all-time favorite, Carl Weber, and many more.



What is your favorite part of the writing process?


 My favorite part of the writing process would be reading back what I’ve written that I didn’t know was there. A lot of the time, it’s like I’m reading someone else’s work. When I feel it’s really good, I get excited because I quickly realize it isn’t someone else’s work; it’s mine! LOL!



Describe your latest book in 4 words.


Family. Drama. Love. Hate.



Can you share a little bit about your current work or what is in the future for your writing?


 Sure! I just released book 1 of my family drama book series, Dark Waters. It’s an African American fiction story filled with love, lies, and murder. I created Dark Waters as a pilot for a streaming series back in 2021. I decided to release the material I had as a book series for my readership while I’m working hard on my film career. Now that book one is completed, I’m developing a film adaptation script.



About the Author

Nick Haskins is the author of My Husband’s Wife, Betrayed, She’s Obsessed, and his new book series, Dark Waters, dropping this summer. Nick was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, where he currently resides. After years of aspiring to become a professional screenwriter, he began to shape his creative dreams and released his first African American fiction book, On the Edge of Heat, in 2011. In addition, Nick has been actively working on his first feature film and developing a new streaming series.

Readers can visit Nick’s website at, email him at, or follow him on social media @iamnickhaskins

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