My Reading Addiction

All Things Books

Blog Tour: Death and Ham by Bobby Evers #memoir #humor #essays #nonfiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours
Cover Reveal: In Harm's Way by Thomas M. Wing #bookcover #historical #fiction #comingsoon #rabtbooktours @thomasmwing1 @PublishingAcorn @RABTBookTours
Preorder Blitz: Crash by Jamie Targaet #mcromance #preorder #romance #romanticsuspense #excerpt #rabtbooktours @changelingpress @RABTBookTours
Blog Tour: The Spiderboys of Aranae by Glenn Thomas #scifi #sciencefiction #giveaway #interview #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours
Blog Tour: Why We Fall by Daniel Martinez #selfhelp #nonfiction #interview #rabtbooktours @whywefallbook @RABTBookTours
Release Blitz: Unexpected Detour by Lynn Marie Jackson #releaseday #newbooks #giveaway #historicalfiction #historical #fiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours
PROMO Blitz: The Algorithm by Gary Tutty #speculative #literary #fiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours
Teaser Tuesday: Trust is Sacred by Emily Carrington #excerpt #comingsoon #lgbtq #darkfantasy #mm #rabtbooktours @CarringtonEmily @ChangelingPress @RABTBookTours
Blog Tour: A Tainted Heart Bleeds by Sophie Barnes #historical #mystery #thriller #romance #giveaway #interview #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @BarnesSophie