Natural Health / Self Development / Kinesiology / Healing / Holistic Health / Wellbeing / Fulfillment
Releasing April 2022
Publisher: Serapis Bey Publishing
This book takes you on an adventure of personal development through the detective work of Creative Kinesiology. Muscle testing gives us the powerful tool we need to delve into any problem. It allows the body to show us what is going on physically, emotionally and in our feelings, with the mind and the spiritual self. Using maps of the body, subtle energies and clues to the problem gives the tracker the direction of healing. Working creatively with the person and their intent for healing gives us all we need for healing and inner work to begin and continue. We look at the way the latest discoveries from the scientific world add new perspectives on the way the body systems work – or don’t. Plumbing the depths of our being takes us to the reasons for our stress and anxiety – the traumas, large and small that can create problems in any part of us, including the digestive system, the brain and the nervous system. We may have lost our ability to look forward and reach for our visions and dreams. Help is there for us; in the exercises and techniques we can use for ourselves; some are introduced in the book. Increasing our awareness of the body’s messages can give us the healing impetus to help ourselves and can take us to practitioners, both in the natural health world and in the medical profession.
Discover this gentle and powerful approach to healing and health for yourself as you read the book – a healing journey in itself.
What was your main drive to write this book?
This book is a personal
account of the work I have developed and been doing for almost 40 years. I really wanted to share my love of it all. I
came into the work as a client – finding huge benefits from kinesiology, a form
of natural healing that uses a muscle testing response to get feedback from the
body. I then went on to train to be a professional natural health worker,
training in the different approaches that were brought to the UK in the 1980s
and 1990s. So, the book is my story
about the way I developed Creative Kinesiology to become a recognized School
and a part of the UK’s Kinesiology Federation.
In the book I attempt to put
over both the simplicity and complexity of kinesiology and the unique way that
Creative Kinesiology helps people. This was a challenge and ta huge learning
curve for me – as I am not a writer of books!
I have written many manuals for students and information sheets – but
not a book. In the end I really enjoyed both the challenge and the writing – it
was all a steep learning curve!
What do you hope readers will learn by reading this book?
I hope that people reading
the book will discover that it is possible to explore their life problems and
difficulties and to uncover some of the reasons behind them. The reasons can originate in the body,
emotions, the mind and the spirit, problems can come from the past or in
contemplation of the future. Once
discovered, a path of healing can begin as the person works in a creative way
with the healing techniques that are indicated as the best ones for them.
This detective approach is
useful for the person seeking help. It
gives explanation and background to any problem. And, importantly, can give
pointers on the way forward for healing and restoration of balance. There are
many techniques that can help to restore balance in all parts of the self.
Problems come in many shapes
and sizes and from many causes. And if someone understands that their problems
come from the ancestral line – and can be healed (them as well as the ancestors)
can be a huge relief.
I include in the book some
simple and effective ways that this approach can be used in daily life, plus
some exercises as well as stories from my own life and from work I have done
with clients (heavily disguised).
Did you do much research when planning this book?
My research has been my
working life – with clients and students and colleagues. I am interested in
people and my work is a wonderful way of helping people to find a better life,
a balanced life and to reach the goals they are aiming for. This is the
backdrop for the book.
Other research I have
thoroughly enjoyed is finding out about the latest scientific findings in key
areas that can support the work I am doing with people who come for help. Some key areas are:
The three brains that work together in harmony
when working well – the head brain, the heart brain and the gut brain. There has been some wonderful research that
shows how the gut microbiome affects us and not just physically. It also plays a major role in our immunity
and mental health. The heart brain’s
function underpins our state of harmony and peace. We all know about the head brain – and there
are ways that we can introduce calm and overcome stress by focusing on the
brain in our heads and using some simple techniques.
Our ancestral past can affect us in many
ways. Our DNA can be affected by trauma
passed down the generations from our ancestors.
It has been a major scientific discovery that we can carry so much that
is both good for us and detrimental from our ancestors. And I love that our DNA is actually a potential
waiting to happen when the environment is right – not a fatalistic prescription
for life!
Our bodies hold on to so much – they remember
everything that ever happened to them. Past
shocks, trauma and stress can all be held in some part of the body and affect
our health and wellbeing. Past
accidents, medical interventions and stress may all be affecting how well we
Polyvagal research has contributed a great
deal to the work I do. This work demonstrates how the body holds on to past
trauma and can affect us in life - particularly in the gut and other organs in
the lower part of the body.
With the wonderful techniques that can shift
energy and restore balance we can together – the person and I – discover the
best healing path for the person. I have experienced this for myself and seen
it happen for some hundreds of people over the years.
Did you have any main people who helped you in the process
of this book or influenced you to write it?
So many people have helped
and inspired me, and I feel so thankful to them all. My main source of
inspiration has been my students, clients and colleagues. Those who have really taken to the work and
love it are completely inspiring.
My teacher and colleague
Haakon Lovell inspired me to take the kinesiology muscle testing approach into
the realms of being able to get a body response about anything – the only
limits being what the person is ready to look at and what I am able to explore
from my knowledge and understanding. His body of work (called the Files – a set
of clues for the detective work) is the truly unique part of this approach. He has been so very supportive and generous –
first of all, by allowing me to include the Files within the Creative
Kinesiology approach and then to include reference to them in the book.
Natalie Davenport, my dear
friend and colleague had complete faith in the kinesiology approach to healing.
She was the one who said that no healing is ever complete until it is embodied
and that is so true. Creative Kinesiology training includes her body of work –
Perceptual BodyTracking in our training courses.
My friend, Penny McFarlane, a
kinesiologist and author, was the one who supported me by helping me to plan
and flesh out the book. When my original
forays into the world of publishing reached a dead end, she helped me to pursue
the self-publishing route. By then I had
written the book and wanted to see it out there in the world.
My editor, Wendy Yorke,
supported me and worked the book into a more publishable shape. Parul Agrawal,
my publisher, helped me through the highways and byways of self-publishing.
The other source of
inspiration to me is the natural world – this wonderful world of water and
wind, of earth and fire. All I have to
do is to walk on the cliffs and see the ocean where I live to feel completely
inspired to share the wonders of natural healing.
How long did this book take you to write from initial
thought to hitting publish?
This took about four years. I
have found that my writing life is not one I have taken to as a full-time
occupation! I have fitted it around my
client work and teaching. And even if I
have a full day to write I break it up with walks and gardening, cooking and
friends and family. When I finally found
the book in my hands, I could hardly believe it!!
Do you have plans to write more about this topic or new
This has been such a huge
effort that I can’t see that happening at the moment. Though I would love to write more about the
dream work I do – bringing our visions and dreams for the future into
being. In this world, as it is, this
feels like a topic to be explored, with the potential of offering ways of
manifesting something different for ourselves, our circles of family and
friends and to our communities. It links in with my interest in the world of
dreams and dreaming that was sparked by the shamanic training I undertook for
ten years in the 1990s.
But who knows – this may just
be a dream!!
About the Author
Carrie Jost started her working life as a town planner and after having two
beautiful daughters she moved on to become a community worker. When this
work was coming to an end, she changed direction to work in the field of
natural health and wellbeing and has continued ever since. Carrie has been a
practitioner and teacher since 1987. She describes herself as a
kinesiologist and has also trained as a psychotherapist and shamanic healer,
as well as studying many other bodywork and energy work methods. Bringing
these different approaches to health and wellbeing together has been her
life’s work and vocation for more than thirty years.
She established the UK’s School of Creative Kinesiology in 1990 and was involved in setting up the Kinesiology Federation in the UK in 1991.
Carrie has worked with hundreds of people during the years; has trained many practitioners and teachers; and thoroughly enjoyed the entire process. Even though she is now an elder, she still sees clients and teaches. She also plays a part in the continuing journey of Creative Kinesiology.
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