Blog Tour: Red Kingdom by Rachel L. Demeter #blogtour #interview #giveaway #historical #romance #rabtbooktours @RachelLDemeter @RABTBookTours



Fairy Tale Retellings, Book Two (standalone)

Historical Romance (Medieval)

Date Published: 04-10-2024



Little Red Riding Hood reimagined with a dark and realistic twist.

Princess Blanchette’s world shatters when the Black Wolf tears apart her castle and everything she holds dear. All she clings to is the vow she made to her grandmother on her deathbed.

Hailed as the people’s champion, Sir Rowan Dietrich liberates the capital in a quest for vengeance. He takes Winslowe Castle with an army at his back and his wolf, Smoke, at his side.

United by a shared cause and powerful attraction, Rowan and Blanchette embark on a journey of self-discovery and redemption—a path filled with loss, transformation, and ultimately, the healing power of love.

Can Norland’s resplendent princess, with her captivating beauty and spirit, tame the fabled Black Wolf?

Inspired by the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, Red Kingdom is a passionate historical romance about the enduring quest for love and the longing for a world at harmony.

*Red Kingdom is a standalone installment in a series of reimagined classic fairy tales. Due to adult content and themes, it is not intended for readers under the age of 18. 

What you can expect from Red Kingdom... 

Dark, Medieval Setting

Enemies to Lovers

Slow Burn

Broken Alpha Hero

Strong Heroine

Wolf Companion

He Falls First


Warring Kingdoms


Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?



Thanks so much for having me today!


Red Kingdom is set during a dark era in history. Despite the wars, the bloodshed, loss and treachery, I strive for the message that hope and love triumph in the end. That, despite the darkness and seemingly unsurmountable adversity, light can always be found.




Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?


If you mean challenges that I face during the writing process, I’d say creative block. When I have a lot going in my life and suffer from overwhelm, it can be quite difficult… but I do what I can to ignite my inspiration and try to stay disciplined by adhering to a word count schedule.




How many books have you written and which is your favorite?


Red Kingdom is my fifth published novel; story wise, it’s my favorite. I think it has the most complex collection of characters and a setting that truly jumps off the page. I also adore Smoke, Rowan’s wolf! But Finding Gabriel, my second novel, is a close second!

All of my books—including these two—are available in Kindle Unlimited.




If you had the chance to cast your main character from Hollywood today, who would you pick and why?


My husband, Talon Warburton, who’s an actor! I actually imagined him when I was writing Rowan’s scenes. J




When did you begin writing?

I began telling stories before I learned how to physically write! I’d tell them to my mom, and she’d write them for me. So, I’ve been a storyteller ever since I first understood language.



How long did it take to complete your first book?


The Frost of Springtime took about a year two write. I completed it during my last few years of college!




Did you have an author who inspired you to become a writer?


Not a writer, perse, but an author. J.K. Rowling will always have a special place in my heart. I was basically raised on the Harry Potter series. Fun fact: I’ve taken the Pottermore Sorting Hat test four times using four different emails, trying to land myself in Slytherin (I own snakes!)… but alas, it’s the Gryffindor life for me!

Stephen King ignited my love for storytelling during my adulthood and very much remains a constant inspiration to me. I actually have a horror novel in the works!




What is your favorite part of the writing process?


Oh, good question! I really enjoy outlining once I have a strong premise in my head. There’s just something magical and absolutely intoxicating about seeing the images in your head be borne to paper for the first time.




Describe your latest book in 4 words.


Not your grandmother’s Little Red Riding Hood.

(Let’s pretend “Little Red Riding Hood” is one word.) J




Can you share a little bit about your current work or what is in the future for your writing?


I don’t want to say too much about the books I have planned for my Fairy Tale Retellings series so as not to spoil anything… but a secondary character from Red Kingdom will be a MMC in a future book. J


I’m also planning a new series entitled “Gothic Retellings,” which will feature stories like The Phantom of the Opera, Wuthering Heights, and Frankenstein.


Thank you so much for having me today!

If you love dark fairy tale retellings and Game of Thrones, check out my newest release, Red Kingdom! It’s now available on Kindle Unlimited!

About the Author

I live in Sunny California with my dashing husband, who inspires my romance novels every day!

Writing has always been an integral part of my identity. Before I physically learned how to write, I'd narrate stories to my mom, and she'd record them for me.

I graduated from Chapman’s film school, where I often received the feedback on my scripts, “Your stories and characters are great, but this reads like a novel!” That’s when I realized my true calling.

In my free time, I frequent reptile expos, lift double my body’s weight, and indulge in dinosaur trivia.

I'm passionate about writing stories that explore what it means to be human and to be loved. My books focus on hope, courage, and redemption in the face of adversity.


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