Blog tour: Soft Lies & Hard Truths by Dalia Dupris #blogtour #interview #giveaway #romance #rabtbooktours @dalia_dupris @RABTBookTours


California Heart Series, Book 3


Contemporary Romance

Date Published: 04-17-2024

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


Heartbroken and mortified by mean-spirited taunts and social media pictures of her looking like a hot mess at her ex-boyfriend’s wedding, Leah James decides to accept her friend, Miguel Montoya’s, offer to take a road trip to their hometown of Santa Lorena.

Miguel, ex-Marine turned fitness trainer, is done pretending that he doesn’t have strong feelings for Leah. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew she was the one, and now this trip provides the perfect opportunity to take their relationship to the next level.

Will shocking lies, deceits, and half-truths dampen the fiery sparks of passion that ignite when Leah and Miguel are forced to share a cozy honeymoon cottage, or will they overcome their fears and build a brighter future based on honesty and love?


Is There a Message in Your Novel That You Want Readers to Grasp?

In Soft Lies & Hard Truths there are several messages within the scope of the story. Both of the main characters, Leah James and Miguel Montoya have experiences insecurities regarding their appearances. Both have experienced a complicated relationship with a parent. But what we see is resiliency and that’s an important aspect of the theme. These two characters have also loved someone who didn’t love them back. Another message is never giving up on your dreams. And of course, all of my novels have messages about what it means to be family, have friends and find love.




Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

For me, the biggest challenge is establishing a consistent writing schedule and sticking to it. The story will naturally unfold, once I begin the writing process. The characters take over and I follow their lead.




How many books have you written and which is your favorite?

This can be a trickly question. I’ve written more books than I have published. Soft Truths & Hard Lies is my fourth book.  It is the third novel in my California Heart Series. However, A Whirl With My  Mocha-Chocolate Swirl is a novella that  first introduced Miguel and  Leah. Readers found these two characters to be likeable and they wanted to see more of them, so in Soft Lies & Hard Truths, I gave them their own book. Each of my books is different and of course, special to me. I will say that Anything But Love, Book 2 in the California Heart Series, is filled with accounts that remind me of a very  special vacation I took to another country, which is what the main character does in that novel. Orange Blossoms-Love Blooms, Book 1 in the series, was my first novel to be contracted  to be traditionally published, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

If You had the chance to cast your main character from Hollywood today, who would you pick and why? 

This one is easy. When I was writing Soft Lies & Hard Truths, I visualized Mariah Carey portraying Leah and Maria Lopez as Miguel.

When did you begin writing? 

I began writing when I was about 8 years old. My third-grade teacher, Mrs. Jones, had the class submit short stories and poems to our city’s local newspaper. I had several poems and short stories published very early. I continued to write for my high school paper and on one of the UCLA’s student newspapers when I attended college.

How long did it take to complete your first book?

Initially, I wrote it as a historical romance. That probably took close to a year and then I decided that I would alter the story to become a contemporary romance and that  probably took close to another year.

Did you have an author who inspired you to become a writer?

Growing up, my family always had a lot of books in the house. I read widely, including male and female authors from Shakespeare to Danielle Steele. I really was not inspired by anyone author. I just loved the written word and it has always been a part of my life.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

When I feel that I have done all the editing and created the best story that I can, I know that I am finished with the novel and that gives me a great sense of satisfaction. The contentment comes when I know  that all  of the pieces of the story have come together and the characters’ challenges have been resolved.

Describe your latest book in 4 words.

Surprising, sexy, suspenseful, satisfying.

Can you share a little bit about your current work or what is in the future for your writing?

 I’m currently writing a holiday story about a football  player whose  suffered one too many concussions and as a result his career has abruptly come to an end. At the same time, his sister’s best friend, whose returned to their hometown to be in her friends Christmas wedding, has to decide if she will continue to pursue her dream of become a film actress, even though she has been unable to get any acting jobs. She still views her friend’s brother as he was when they were back in high school, but he sees that she has changed. She seems to have lost her joy, which is something he can relate to. This is a pivotal time for both of them, and they’ll have to decide what they are going to do with the rest of their lives now that their dreams have fallen apart.


About the Author

Dalia Dupris has been a book lover as long as she can remember. Dalia’s BA in English Literature from UCLA and Master’s degree in Social Work, from the University of Southern California, in addition to years of experience as a licensed psychotherapist, contribute to her creation of relatable and complex characters.

In her spare time, she enjoys bike riding along the California coast with her husband, and hiking with her daughter. She loves hearing from her readers. Their words of encouragement inspire her to continue creating memorable characters, who will make you laugh and cry and keep rooting for them until the very last page. Subscribe to her website for a chance to learn more about Dalia and her books.


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