Blog Tour: Wherever, Whenever by C.J. Burright #blogtour #giveaway #parnanormal #romance #rabtbooktours @CJBurright @RABTBookTours


Hearts and Haunts Series, Book 2


Paranormal Romance

Date Published: 07-30-2024

Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing


Sometimes the only way to forget the ghosts of the past is to face the curse of love head on.


Artist Vi Keller made a holy vow to never return to her quirky hometown of Devils Hollow. But when the sister she left behind pleads for help during the busy Halloween season, Vi can’t say no. Even if it means a month of watching her ex-BFF Max loving someone new…and braving the darkness awaiting her return.

Max has fantasized about Vi every day since she disappeared. Some of those dreams revolve around revenge, but when Vi shows up at his historic bed and breakfast, his thoughts take a steamier turn. She may still own his heart, but he rebuilt life without her and doesn’t need a blonde bombshell with tempting artwork skin to wreck him again.

When Vi and Max are forced to partner up during the seasonal festivities, it’s just like old times, resurrecting a desire that never died. But happily-ever-afters in Devils Hollow are paid in blood and bones. Missing pets, tourist attractions turning sinister, and shadows stalking the lake point to Vi’s worst fear—the spirit that failed to destroy her once has neither forgiven nor forgotten. If Max and Vi can’t untangle the tragic past of a local urban legend, they’ll lose more than a second chance at love.


Are you into romance with a healthy dose of banter, slow burn, best-friends-to-lovers, and second chances with a supernatural twist? Scroll up and grab your copy of Wherever, Whenever today!



Is There a Message in Your Novel That You Want Readers to Grasp?

The underlying theme of Wherever, Whenever is that, no matter who you are or what your past says, everyone matters and is worthy of love. Your mistakes don’t have to be a life sentence.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Gah – that would be time! I work 9-to-5 in a law office and have a very busy personal life. This poor author never has enough time to read, let alone write…but I try my best. 😊

How many books have you written and which is your favorite?

To date, I’ve written thirteen full-length books and three short stories, ten of which are published. Maybe someday I’ll revisit those three gathering dust bunnies beneath my bed, but for now, I’m busy keeping up with the series I’m supposed to be working on. As far as favorites go…that’s like choosing which of my cats is my favorite (that would be kitty-love, Slinker. Shhh.)! I do have a particular fondness for Wonderfully Wicked, the first book published in my Dreamcaster series, mainly due to the antihero, Lydon. I’m a sucker for an antihero, and my muse for Lydon was Alexander Skarsgärd as Eric Northman from True Blood. Sigh…there are some characters you just never get over!

If You had the chance to cast your main character from Hollywood today, who would you pick and why?

I’d choose Brant Daugherty for Max, mainly because he’s soooo close to how I pictured Max. Violet is harder…maybe Julia Stiles. Brains and beauty!

When did you begin writing?

I started dabbling with writing while in high school…I lived in the boonies and without a car, the summers were oh-so-long. I ran out of books to read, so started writing. That first story never got finished (and I don’t hate anyone enough to let them read it), but it was then I realized that I could channel all the voices in my head onto paper. I wish that I had seriously pursued writing then! Years later, I discovered RWA and was hooked, gobbling up classes and soaking up as much information as I could. I wish my teenage-self had known about RWA and all the available resources and connections.

How long did it take to complete your first book?

Forever! 😊 My first book was total crap, sooooo long , a wordy, rambling mess of a romantasy. Back then, I was mainly writing for myself, a cathartic experience, if you will, and I didn’t know much about writing other than I loved to read. Definitely years, and I’m still a slow, slow writer…did I mention I have zero free time? That makes me even slower.

Did you have an author who inspired you to become a writer?

Lynn Kurland, for sure. I fell in love with her romances, so full of nerdy heroines, smart-ass heroes and humor. I knew that was the type of story I wanted to write, and even though I don’t dabble in time travel, I do use humor and banter, and there’s usually at least one nerdy character lurking about. Nerds rule! 😊

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

Writing ‘The End’! Pouring your heart and soul onto the page and expressing yourself through characters takes a toll, physically and emotionally. Finishing up a story, writing those final words and sitting back with a sigh is one of the best feelings. Then comes the editing…

Describe your latest book in 4 words.

Spooky. Sexy. Fun. Heart-Racing.

Can you share a little bit about your current work or what is in the future for your writing?

The next book in the Hearts and Haunts series is in the works (at my natural slug-pace), and I have news about another PNR series that I can’t share yet…but I’m sooooo excited. 😊

About the Author

Once upon a time, a girl with flat hobbit feet dreamed of adventures in the woods with an elven hero, fighting off orcs and saving magical rings. All grown up now, C.J. Burright resides in Oregon (at least she got the trees). While she faces her duties at the law office day job, she avoids writing legal thrillers and instead turns toward romance—contemporary (sometimes with a supernatural flair), paranormal or fantasy. With a 5th Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, it’s no surprise she prefers feisty heroines who aren’t afraid to jump into the fight. Her slivers of spare time are spent working out, gardening, playing the latest Assassin’s Creed, and rooting on the Seattle Mariners, always with music. She shares a house with her husband (not elven, alas, but a fine alternative) and a devoted cat herd while missing her daughter from afar. C. J. is represented by Brittany Booker of The Booker Albert Literary Agency.


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Twitter: @CJBurright






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  1. Thank you so much for having me - and for sharing Wherever, Whenever! <3

  2. This looks ou. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love Julia Stiles! Great pic. Thanks!

  4. Sounds like my kind of book!
