Blog Tour: Rooster and Squid: Bowling Burglar by Jen Cole #blogtour #interview #juvenilefiction #mystery #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours

Bowling Burglar

Juvenile Fiction / Pets / Humor / Mystery

Date Published: May 14, 2024

Publisher: Lucid Books


Rooster, a handsome Golden Retriever who loves belly rubs and bacon, and Squid, a mangy grey cat who loves big naps and butt scratches, are an unlikely duo. Even though their early days were spent scrounging for food and seeking shelter, they knew they were meant for more. As luck would have it, they were rescued by the town veterinarian and welcomed into the best family ever.

Life with their new family is never boring. In Bowling Burglar, a family picnic in the backyard is interrupted by breaking glass and a scream from next door. As the mystery unfolds, Rooster and Squid are smack dab in the middle of the chaos.




Is There a Message in Your Novel That You Want Readers to Grasp?

My goal for the Rooster and Squid series is to very simply create fun stories for children where a love of family, faith, and community is center stage. As a bonus, kids and parents alike might also learn something!

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Initially, my greatest challenge was remembering all the grammar and punctuation rules I had forgotten since fourth grade. Outside of that, there is a challenge in the development of characters. I strive to give enough description to nudge the reader in a certain direction, but not so much that it limits their creativity. The way I imagine a character may not be at all how a child imagines him - and I think that is outstanding!

How many books have you written and which is your favorite?

I have written 14 books in the Rooster and Squid series. They are all my favorites in some way, but the last book in the series called Angel Wings probably takes the prize. I love it because it includes every character introduced throughout the series and addresses a very important topic that both parents and kids struggle with – euthanasia. I know this sounds depressing, but I promise it will warm your heart!

If You had the chance to cast your main character from Hollywood today, who would you pick and why?

The two main characters in the Rooster and Squid series are Rooster, a dog, and Squid, a cat. But the other main characters are the members of their family. Since these characters are based on my own family, I asked each of them this question and here are their responses…

Wilson – “Dennis Quaid because he is cool in every role he plays.”

Gen – “Melissa Ponzio from the TV show Teen Wolf because we look alike, and she is one tough lady.”

Loralie – “Anna Sophia Robb from the movie Winn Dixie because she loves animals and has a great sense of adventure.”

Jes – “Merida from the movie Brave because she is strong, independent, and makes her own rules.”

Benji – “Jonathan Lipnicki from the movie Jerry Maguire because he is smart and adorable and so am I!

When did you begin writing?

I am a small animal veterinarian, who after 25 years in clinical practice had the opportunity to retire. While this was a huge blessing, it also made me ask ‘What now?’. Having spent an entire career being very detailed and scientific, my brain craved a more fun and flexible outlet. I always enjoyed spinning tales for my kids when they were little and decided to try to put pen to paper. During my years in practice, I also concluded that veterinarians would see fewer sick patients if clients were more educated on common pet problems and conditions. So, In the Rooster and Squid series, I created fun stories for kids where they and their parents could learn something about their beloved pets. I think it is a hit!

How long did it take to complete your first book?

The first book in the Rooster and Squid series, Bowling Burglar, took me about two weeks to write. I had a storyline in my head, but developing the characters and creating the town of Trout Springs took a bit. To be fair, the first draft was rough, and squeezing in writing between kid’s lacrosse games and physics homework was a challenge.

Did you have an author who inspired you to become a writer?

One of my favorite children’s book authors is Kate DiCamillo, and my favorite series of hers is Mercy Watson. I love the illustrations and the fun wholesome stories that capture the imagination. The books that inspired me to attempt writing were the May Day series by Jes Lourey. For some reason, the idea that each book built on the one before until you fell in love with an entire town and cast of characters was magical to me.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

My favorite part of the writing process is getting lost in creating a storyline and looking up 3 hours later realizing you forgot to start dinner and the dog is hungry!

Describe your latest book in 4 words.

Suspenseful, Hilarious, Heartwarming, Educational

Can you share a little bit about your current work or what is in the future for your writing?

So far, there are three books in the Rooster and Squid series available for purchase with eleven more to come. Each one has a new adventure, mystery, or tall tale with the bonus of Tips and Fun Facts from Rooster and Squid. Somewhere down the line, I am also working on a book about the brave search and rescue dogs and their handlers who save lives when disaster strikes. Readers of Rooster and Squid may recognize some of the characters in this new book!


About the Author

Jen Cole grew up in Kingwood, Texas, where she developed an early love for sports and animals. She attended Texas A&M University where she received a degree in Biomedical Science, competed for its Division I tennis team, and continued her education at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. She and her husband, Wil, currently reside in The Woodlands, Texas, have three children, and have practiced small animal medicine for over 25 years in Spring, Texas. After retiring, Jen decided to tap into her creative side and combine her love of writing with her love of caring for animals.

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