Blog Tour: The Contraption by Barton Allen Stewart #interview #giveaway #psychological #thriller #rabtbooktours @BartStewart1 @RABTBookTours



Psychological Thriller

Date Published: 03/25/2024

Publisher:  Great Whale Books



The wedding was weeks away for two young lovers, who had counted themselves lucky to have found one another. Then, it was over, as one of them abruptly disappeared. Audrey was not abducted. Not exactly. She was not taken against her will. Rather, her will itself had been taken. Coerced and controlled. Deceived and derailed. Matthias cannot walk away from the catastrophe, though he has nothing to go on, and is in the dark beyond all personal darkness he has ever known . . .

The Contraption is a novel that deals with the challenges faced by a woman who has been recruited into a dangerous, coercive religious cult. Her fiancé is left not knowing even where she is. Her name has been changed and she has been relocated to another state. The cult, Church of the Mountain of Radiance, is an all-controlling psychological prison.


Is There a Message in Your Novel That You Want Readers to Grasp?

Yes. For many years I have studied the psychology of cults. It is an underrated problem. They do immense damage to society. In my novel, The Contraption, I have combined my knowledge of cults with my literary voice to bring about what I hope is among the most realistic fictional depictions of what can happen in cases like this. I am busting myths as I tell a good story!

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Well, the fact that I am not a trust fund baby and have to do all of this after knocking myself out at work can be a bit of a challenge. Writing a compelling novel is no mean feat, but the biggest problem is the business side of things! Just finding someone who will take a glance at what I have is like climbing Everest. So I want to thank all of you at My Reading Addiction for this opportunity.

How many books have you written and which is your favorite?

The Contraption is my fourth book. All are independently published. No agent would ever take a chance on me, even as I have a bulging file of outstanding reviews, and readers go on and on about my work. I am holding one of my novels in reserve until I can get a better hold on this marketing and promotions thing. Not yet released, it is called The Year of Cannonhills. It is my most personal book, maybe the best thing I have ever done, though The Contraption is a very important book to me. I have studied cult psychology and tactics for so long, and in this novel I bring it all home for the reader.

If You had the chance to cast your main character from Hollywood today, who would you pick and why?

I think the movie should be cast by unknowns, but if I had to choose someone, I think Jennifer Lawrence would be great in the role of Audrey Crane, the woman who is recruited into the dangerous cult. She is such a strong person, and one of the myths I am busting is that only weak, stupid people end up in cults. It can happen to anyone, and this character is so complex, because her original self is struggling to emerge from the brainwashing and manipulations of the group, and reclaim her life. This would be a challenging role for an actress.

When did you begin writing?

I was only eleven years old when I began scribbling short stories! I think it was an escape for me from certain hardships the family was going through. I don’t think my English teachers had ever seen a kid who wanted to write. They went on and on about me! (I passed English.)

How long did it take to complete your first book?

A few years, altogether. My first book was Tales of Real and Dream Worlds, from 2006! Still a few copies floating around on Amazon! It was a collection of stories in the Twilight Zone school of fantasy fiction, as opposed to the sword and sorcery style. That book won a Finalist prize at the National Indie Excellence Awards in 2008 – the first and only contest I have ever entered!

Did you have an author who inspired you to become a writer?

You know, it was probably Rod Serling! He inspired a lot of writers. After my first book I began focusing on real world scenarios, and human nature. My favorite living author is Elizabeth Strout. I always cite Capote’s In Cold Blood as a timeless classic of character study.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

Having people express their love of my work. So few people ever read me, as I lack that all-important ten million dollar promotional budget. But I have a strong batting average with those who find me.

Describe your latest book in 4 words.

Realistic Thriller on Cults

Can you share a little bit about your current work or what is in the future for your writing?

There may be a sequel to The Contraption! I haven’t decided yet. People are of two minds when it comes to the subject of cults. They are fascinated to their core by it, and yet it is such a dark and troubling subject. I think a lot of us get spooked by it. I have a novel that I am holding in reserve. The Year of Cannonhills. It is literary fiction about an idealistic artist whom circumstances have dumped in a corrupt, heartless little town ruled like a feudal barony by some of its old families. That one may be my best work, so I want to make sure I have my promotions and marketing well worked out.

About the Author

The author, Barton A. Stewart, is a long time student of the cult phenomenon, and literary fiction. The Contraption marries together his two long time interests. Stewart has lived all over the United States, is presently single, and currently calls Metro Boston home. His book will be among the most realistic fictional depictions of the kinds of things that can happen in cases like this. Avoiding the sensationalism of so many novels on this subject, Stewart offers a look into another world, which unfortunately exists in the here and now.


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